
Jasmine Forcadilla

Every now and again an artist comes along that evokes a sense of delight and it’s even more exciting when you discover they’re also from the Central Coast. Jas Forcadilla’s work uses animal personification to capture the quirky imperfections of humankind in a colourful and playful manner. Another talented young Australian artist to watch!

Can you tell us a bit about your background and the path that led to your current artistic endeavours?

Born into a family of creatives, I have always been exposed to the arts and had always found solace in the act of creating. From a young age I was directing home movies, designing furniture, playing with textiles, pressing flowers, writing poetry and anything else that involved mess and imagination. I was also heavily involved in basketball and competed both internationally and professionally. Having the juxtaposition of sport and art as outlets proved to be incredibly refreshing, each guiding me through the challenges of the other.

What inspires you to create your art?

I am inspired by identity and individuality. As a ‘mesitza’ (a person of mixed race) I always felt a conflict with my own cultural identity and that tension always inspires me to create. I’m obsessed with trying to capture someone’s ‘spirit’ rather than their physical, biological selves.

Where would be likely to see your artwork?

You can find my work via Instagram. Any current exhibitions will be in my bio.

Can you tell us about one of your favourite artists?

I’m inspired a lot by Wes Anderson. I’m enamoured by the clever use of colour, symmetry, style and his love for eccentric characters in his films. It’s quite fun and I like to try and emulate this in my work.

Describe your dream home and location.

My dream home is eclectic with plenty of texture, character, and warmth. Complete with high ceilings, natural light, exposed beams and plenty of greenery. I’ve always had a goal that at my dream home I would be able to step outside naked and not have to worry about neighbours. Wherever that is, you have my heart.

Do you have artwork displayed in your home? What kind?

I do! I currently have a few pieces by my mum, Jessica Forcadilla, as well as a renaissance-styled painting by an Israeli artist by the name of ‘T. Levy’.

Name one item in your home that you could not do without.

It’d have to be my Dinosaur Designs branch vase in mint. Definitely one of the coolest things I own.

When you’re not creating masterpieces, where would we find you?

When I’m not painting I’m supporting other local small businesses and creatives through social media marketing, spending time with my family, shooting hoops or swimming in the ocean.

See more of Jasmine’s work here.