Spring is well and truly here and what better time to entertain and put on a beautiful spread for friends or family. We’ve got your tableware covered with a new range of acrylic wine glasses, tumblers and jugs, as well as salad bowls, salad servers and tablecloths.
Stunning florals by Honeysett House, expertly captured by Dross Photo

Gingham Tablecloth, Butterscotch. Linen Napkin Set, Truffle. Kala Onyx Bowl, Flemington Acrylic Jug + Wine Glass + Tumbler. Granada Salad Bowl. Anchor Bottle Opener. Ceramic Butter Dish

Flemington Acrylic Tumblers, Wine Glasses and Jugs, Anchor Bottle Opener, Tio Teak Short Serving Spoon, Granada Salad Bowl, Kala Onyx Bowl, Veda Vessel, Gingham Tablecloth

Candlestick Holder, Ceramic Incense Holder, Granada Salad Bowl, Eka Teak Footed Tray, Mustard Spoon, Porridge Spoon, Gingham Tablecloth, Flemington Acrylic Tumblers

Granada Salad Bowl, Tio Teak Short Serving Spoon, Ceramic Butter Dish, Flemington Acrylic Tumbler, Eka Teak Footed Tray, Gingham Tablecloth, Linen Napkins, Anchor Bottle Opener
Shop our entire range online here.